We invite anyone to come to our meetings whether or not they are licensed Radio Amateurs.
Montly Meetings
We currently hold our monthly meetings at the old Buyers Fair building in Franklin at 9:00am.
It is located at the bottom of the hill at the intersection of route 417 and 322.
Fellowship Breakfast
We have our breakfast the 3rd Saturday of every month but February at 8:00 AM, but some of our members show up a little earlier than that. Location TBD. We do not have a breakfast in February because of our annual “Over The Hump” dinner.
If you are not currently a member but would like to become one, please come to one of our meetings to introduce yourself and fill out an application. Please have your dues with you. Cash is preferred, but checks are accepted as well. Debit and credit are not accepted.
Over The Hump Dinner
We have a dinner we call the “Over The Hump” dinner that is held on the 3rd Saturday of every February. We call it the “Over The Hump” dinner because that weekend is usually the weekend when we are ‘over the hump” of the winter weather. The time and location are determined every year by vote, and thus it is not possible to give any sure information about time and location.